According to color influencers in ink, fashion, and photography, the color of 2022 is periwinkle and pink! If you want packaging that is on-trend yet stands apart, print on holographic board or label stock. A pink or purple ink or image printed over iridescent holography will make any image glow.
By Brianna Childers, reproduced with permission from the Topeka Capital-Journal, November 2021
Mainline Printing has been in the Topeka, KS community since 1958, with many successful expansions under its belt. It’s still expanding today. The company has made recent moves that include a new branch and new equipment purchases, establishing the company as a nationwide and international business.
More equipment will be added to the facility in 2022. Once the new equipment is operational, Mainline Printing will have invested nearly $5 million in the company since 2020.
“We’ve seen pretty continuous growth for the last three or four years,” said John Parker Jr., Mainline Printing’s COO. “This has allowed us to increase market share with our existing client base and take on new customers.”
Mainline Printing Adds New Division: Mainline Signs
Mainline Printing in 2020 purchased Go Modern, a printing and marketing services company owned by Advisors Excel. The acquisition kickstarted the company’s expansion into Mainline Signs, which offers the production of banners, signs, posters, decals, and dimensional letters.
Parker said Mainline Signs mainly works with local businesses with the potential to draw in national and international customers, as well.
“[Mainline Signs] helps fulfill the other needs of our existing client base,” said Dean Norton, Mainline Signs’ Director of Operations. “It also allows us to expand out and bring in a different client base that the company hasn’t had before.”
New equipment, personnel, and workspace have resulted in a $250,000 investment into Mainline Signs.
Mainline Signs recently added a Fuji Acuity Prime UV flatbed printer and Esko cutting table, both top-of-the-line equipment. Parker said Mainline Signs is the first company in the United States to have the flatbed printer installed.
The flatbed printer uses an ultraviolet bulb as it moves back and forth over the sheet. The machine first primes the blank sign, allowing for more durability and adhesiveness, before laying down ink. The addition of the machine means a quicker production and completion time along with a higher quality product.
Norton said multiple variables determine how long it takes the machine to finish a project, but some can be completed in 10 minutes. Signs that have finished printing on the flatbed printer are transported across the room to the Esko cutting table. The machine then determines where the edge of the sheet is before it begins cutting each individual sign.
What’s in Mainline Printing’s Future?
The company’s printing division is full of hustle and bustle, with machines whirring and employees working to keep up with production.
Mainline Printing does it all, from pre-press to cutting labels, packaging, and producing trading cards. It has almost 100 employees, Parker said.
Mainline Printing recently added its fifth offset printing machine, a 2020 Komori six-color, 40-foot press which can run up to 14,000 sheets per hour. The machine’s was a $2 million investment.
“This is their top-of-the-line equipment,” Parker said. “We are fortunate to be involved with a lot of customers for whom you must have the best equipment to be not only competitive from a price standpoint but also from a quality perspective.”
When the Parker family acquired Mainline Printing in 1986, they set a goal of creating a diversified company.
“We do not rely only on one thing to set up us for success,” Parker said. “We had our biggest year in company history in terms of gross sales in 2020, during the pandemic.”
Parker said Mainline Printing in 2019 grew 20% and another 25% to 30% in 2020. The company anticipates it will grow another 20% in 2021.
“It wouldn’t be surprising if 2022 is the same way,” Parker said.
Mainline Holographics, the company’s third division, will add a new laminator in 2022, equating to another $2.5 million investment. This new machine will max out the company’s usable manufacturing space in its current building, which begs the question: what will be the company’s next move?
“For us, it would be expanding, which is why we were so supportive of the city’s decision to knock down the mall. In fact, we are excited to see that through,” Parker said.
How does the White Lakes Mall Demolition Affect Mainline Printing?
Parker said the former mall has been a nuisance to their business for several years.
Plans to demolish White Lakes Mall have been a long time coming for many in the community who see the rundown building as an eyesore in the capital city. The former mall has sat vacant for many years as Kent Lindemuth, the property’s owner, failed to revitalize the structure.
An arson fire started in the morning hours of Dec. 29, 2020, reignited the need to tear the building down. Fortunately, the fire didn’t spread far enough to damage Mainline Printing. “But still, to have that kind of hanging out there; nobody wants that,” Parker said.
A demolition order was issued in July following the fire, but Lindemuth failed to comply. So the city of Topeka announced in August it had ordered demolition of the mall. Demolition is estimated to cost the city up to $2.5 million and is expected to take place in December.
Now the city has a plan and timeline for demolishing White Lakes Mall, Mainline Printing can make the decision how and where it might expand.
“We had talked about how if we continued to remain in place, if we would open a facility somewhere else in Topeka,” Parker said. “But now there’s an end in sight to the mall being attached, we can go this way. We can go that way.”
Parker said the company has worked closely with the city and been vocal regarding its support for the structure’s demolition. In fact, Parker was one of six individuals who attended a Sept. 21 council meeting, at which time council members approved city manager Brent Trout’s proposal to raze the former mall.
“We are feeling positive about it,” Parker said. “It will be good for the whole community.”
Brianna Childers is the food and fun reporter for the Capital-Journal.
Start-ups are, by necessity, budget conscious. As such, cannabis packaging designers are embracing the use of holographic board as a way to inexpensively achieve dramatic effects.
For instance, when the cannabis company High Season added a signature extract to their product line, they asked the the designers at DiDio and Associates for a carton design that would stand apart from their competitor’s packaging. They also wanted a package that would appear to be more high-end than their other, less expensive extracts.
With limited funds available, the designers kept the design simple, using just two spot colors and no special coatings. They also developed an adhesive-free folding carton design to minimize fulfillment costs.
The printer also identified a cost-savings opportunity by utilizing the same die for both the new signature extract carton and the cartons for their other extracts. To achieve the colorful playfulness that the client desired, the designers printed the carton on Mainline Holographics’ Swirl3 holographic stock pattern.
The arresting pattern matched High Season’s brand identity so well—and sales exceeded their expectations to such a degree—that the company now plans to print their other signature product packaging on holographic board as well.
To make your packaging memorable AND save on the cost of creating a custom design, utilize Mainline’s brilliant cannabis stock pattern!No minimum order requirements. For a quote, email
According to recent market research, global sales of cosmetics are expected to reach $87 billion by 2025. With such a thriving market, this sector is particularly attractive to criminals who counterfeit beauty products and fragrances.
According to another recent study, almost 20% of all products sold online are fake. Moreover, when it comes to cosmetics, consumers are rightfully worried. It is not uncommon for someone to open a carton to test a product in the store and then place it back on-shelf.
So how do you deter criminals from copying your products? How can you give customers the confidence that your packaging has been safely sealed since it left the plant?
The answer is simple.
A small holographic security seal applied to a carton’s opening flap will keep in-store product theft to a minimum. It will also make it easier for consumers to distinguish between a genuine product and a fake. Such seals are easy to apply by hand or inline by your packaging company or labeler.
For most companies, a simple holographic seal will be enough of a deterrent. But what happens if your product is so valuable that counterfeiters may also duplicate the security wafer?
The experts recommend that in such cases, brand owners should design a unique pattern and/or die shape, then periodically change the shape or the artwork.
Want to go all in and make the seal virtually impossible to copy? Just incorporate into the pattern micro text, latent images, or hidden data.
For more info on how holography can provide your customers the security of knowing they have purchased a tamper-free product AND deter on-shelf theft or unapproved product sampling, contact Mainline’s team of holographic experts!
In June, Mainline’s 2021 promotional calendar won two key awards at the Printing and Imaging Association of MidAmerica’s Graphex annual competition: Best in Category (Calendars) and Best Use of Paper.
The Graphic Excellence (Graphex) competition honors outstanding technical achievements in innovation and print production by companies throughout Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
“Of all the entries, Graphex’s panel of judges felt Mainline’s calendar best transformed a piece of paper (in this case, holographic board) into a unique tool of communication, thereby earning the competition’s Best Use of Paper award,” says Jana Shanks, Regional Director of PIA MidAmerica. “It was also executed flawlessly, a testament to Mainline’s printing and converting services.”
Mainline’s promotional calendar also beat out over a dozen other calendar entries to win the Best in Category award.
“Hundreds of entries are submitted into the competition every year. So to be presented with not one award but two is quite an honor,” says John Tillinghast, Sales Director.
“We are super proud of our Marketing Director Kim Guarnaccia, as well as of our production team,” Tillinghast continues, “for doing such a stellar job producing the calendar.”
Designed by Guarnaccia, Mainline’s winning calendar features a separate page for each month of the year. Each page is also printed on a different holographic pattern. Each page also showcases a retro, space-age illustration that complements the eye-catching metallic holography.
The calendar, which is still usable through the end of the year, also features a hidden narrative.
“The first few months show images of people seeing UFOs in the sky, aliens landing on the planet, and rocket ships blasting into space,” Guarnaccia explains. “This suggests that the earth had been invaded by an alien race so to survive, humanity must flee to neighboring planets.”
“The narrative then moves onto space exploration, where space monsters attack the astronauts, leading to humanity’s takeover by robots,” Guarnaccia continues. “Finally, the last image shows a man wearing VR goggles, suggesting that the storyline all along may have been just a computer simulation.”