Holographic Calendar a Showstopper at PIA MidAmerica’s Graphex Competition
In June, Mainline’s 2021 promotional calendar won two key awards at the Printing and Imaging Association of MidAmerica’s Graphex annual competition: Best in Category (Calendars) and Best Use of Paper.

The Graphic Excellence (Graphex) competition honors outstanding technical achievements in innovation and print production by companies throughout Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.
“Of all the entries, Graphex’s panel of judges felt Mainline’s calendar best transformed a piece of paper (in this case, holographic board) into a unique tool of communication, thereby earning the competition’s Best Use of Paper award,” says Jana Shanks, Regional Director of PIA MidAmerica. “It was also executed flawlessly, a testament to Mainline’s printing and converting services.”
Mainline’s promotional calendar also beat out over a dozen other calendar entries to win the Best in Category award.
“Hundreds of entries are submitted into the competition every year. So to be presented with not one award but two is quite an honor,” says John Tillinghast, Sales Director.
“We are super proud of our Marketing Director Kim Guarnaccia, as well as of our production team,” Tillinghast continues, “for doing such a stellar job producing the calendar.”
Designed by Guarnaccia, Mainline’s winning calendar features a separate page for each month of the year. Each page is also printed on a different holographic pattern. Each page also showcases a retro, space-age illustration that complements the eye-catching metallic holography.
The calendar, which is still usable through the end of the year, also features a hidden narrative.

“The first few months show images of people seeing UFOs in the sky, aliens landing on the planet, and rocket ships blasting into space,” Guarnaccia explains. “This suggests that the earth had been invaded by an alien race so to survive, humanity must flee to neighboring planets.”
“The narrative then moves onto space exploration, where space monsters attack the astronauts, leading to humanity’s takeover by robots,” Guarnaccia continues. “Finally, the last image shows a man wearing VR goggles, suggesting that the storyline all along may have been just a computer simulation.”